Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - sacan
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- sacan
- p. sóc, pl. sócon; pp. sacen. I. to fight, strive, contend :-- Þeódscypas winnaþ and sacaþ heom betweónan, Wulfst. 86, 8. Hé geseh twegen Ebréisce him betwýnan sacan conspexit duos Hebraeos rixantes, Ex. 2, 13. Ic (Beowulf) sceal fón wið feónde and ymb feorh sacan, Beo. Th. 883; B. 439. Gód sceal wið yfele, líf sceal wið deáþe, leóht sceal wið þýstrum, fyrd wið fyrde, feónd wið óðrum, láð wið láðe ymb land sacan, Menol. Fox 568; Gn. C. 53. Sceal fǽge sweltan and dógra gehwam ymb gedál sacan middangeardes, Exon. Th. 335, 4; Gn. Ex. 28. Ðú tælnissum wið ða sélestan sacan ongunne thou didst attempt to strive with the best (the gods) with insults, 254, 23; Jul. 206. Wǽran sacende emulabantur, Wrt. Voc. ii. 33, 10. II. to disagree, act in opposition, not to be, or not to act, in unison, to wrangle :-- Ðonne se abbod and se práfost ungeráde beóþ and him betwyx sacaþ dum contraria sibi inuicem sentiunt, R. Ben. 124, 19. Ne ða óðre ongeán ðæt ne sacan (wiðcweðon, Wells Frag.) the others shall offer no opposition to the decision, 119, 2. Dóm stande ðár þegenas sammǽle beón; gif hig sacan (disagree), stande ðæt hig .viii. secgaþ, L. Eth. iii. 13; Th. i. 289, 3. Ðæt hé sóce altercaretur, sermocinaretur, Hpt. Gl. 476, 67. III. of litigation, to bring a suit :-- Ðá sóc Wulfstán on sum ðæt land Wulfstan brought a suit laying claim to some of the land, Chart. Th. 376, 7. IV. to bring a charge against one, to accuse, blame :-- Hú micla wið ðec sacas cýðnessa quanta adversum te dicant testimonia, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 27, 13. Mé míne ágen word sylfne sócon verba mea execrabantur, Ps. Th. 55, 5. Monige cýðnisse leóse hiǽ gicwédun tó sacanne wið him multi testimonium falsum dicebant aduersus eum, Mk. Skt. Rush. 14, 56. Swá hwæt þwyr and gebolgen mód ... sacendes hátheortnys hit is ná lufu þreáginge quicquid protervus et indignus animus protulerit, objurgantis furor est, non dilectio correctionis, Scint. 36. V. to refuse, deny. negatis sedibus, Mt. Kmbl. p. 18, 14. [Goth. sakan to strive, rebuke : O. Sax. sakan to rebuke, blame : O. H. Ger. sahhan litigare, increpare, objurgare : Icel. saka; wk. to fight, blame, accuse.] v. æt-, be-, for-, fore-, ge-, of-, on-, óþ-, wið-, wiðer-sacan; sacian. sacan