
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - sam-hwilc

According to the Old English Dictionary:

pron. Some :-- Þeówne . lx. Somhwelcne fíftegum (mid fíftig, MSS. B. H. ) the 'wer' for the 'þeów' is 60 shillings. For one kind it is 50 (?), L. In. 23 ; Th. i. 118, 4. Swá hwæt swá ús God sylle máre ðonne wé néde brúcan sceolan . . . , ne sylþ hé hit ús tó ðon ðæt wé hit hýdon, oððe tó gylpe syllan samhwylcum mannum ðe náht swíðe God ne lufiaþ, Blickl. Homl. 53, 17. Cf. swá hwilc. sam-hwilc