Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - samnian
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- samnian
- p. ode. I. (l) to collect, assemble, bring together, gather :-- Ða swétestan somnaþ and gædraþ wyrta wynsume and wudubléda colligit succos et odores divite silva, Exon. Th. 211, 6; Ph. 193. Somnas his huǽte congregabit triticum suum, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 3, 12. Nát hwam hit gaderaþ l somnaj ða, Ps. Spl. 38, 10. Hé ðyder folc samnode, Cd. Th. 230, 5 ; Dan. 228. Hié here samnodon, Andr. Kmbl. 2250 ; An. 1126. Wé somnadon l geadredon ða colligimus ea, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 13, 28. Sommas (somnigas, Rush. ) ða ðe hiá gelǽfdon. Jn. Skt. Lind. 6, 12. Swylce man fyrde trymme and samnige. Blickl. Homl. 91, 32. Fyrde somnian, Chr. 1016; Erl. 154, 2. Folc somnigean. Cd. Th. 191, 19 ; Exod. 217. (2) to draw together, join, unite :-- Ðonne samnaþ hió ða wunde and hǽlþ, Lchdm. ii. 22, 11. (3) to get materials together for a poem to compose :-- Ic ðysne sang fand samnode wíde I was author of this poem, gathered its matter far and wide, Apstls. Kmbl. 4; Ap. 2. Ne wéne ðæs ǽnig ælda cynnes, ðæt ic lygewordum leóþ somnige (that I compose my lay of lying words), wríte wóðcræfte, Exon. Th. 234, 29; Ph. 547. II. intrans.(1) to collect, assemble, come together :-- Sellendum ðé him hí somniaþ dante te illis, colligent. Ps. Spl. 103, 29. Somnode conglobatur, Wrt. Voc. ii. 19, 34: 91, 20. Duguþ samnade. Andr. Kmbl. 250; An. 125. Mægen samnode, Elen. Kmbl. 110; El. 55: 120; El. 60. Hí gederedon l somnodon tógeánes mé convenirent adversum me. Ps. Spl. 30, 17. (2) to draw together, join, unite :-- Ðá weóxon ða fýr swýðe and hí tógædere þeóddon and samnedon óþ ðæt ðe hí wǽron on ǽnne unmǽtne lége geánede and gesomnade crescentes vero ignes usque ad invicem sese extenderunt, atque in inmensam adunati sunt flammam, Bd. 3, 19; S. 548, 21. (3) to glean :-- Hé mid his sceáfe ne mæg sceát áfyllan ðeáh ðe hé samnige swíðe georne non implevit sinum suum qui manipulos colligit, Ps. Th. 128, 5. [Laym. somnien, sumnien : Orm. sammnenn: O. Sax. samnón : O. Frs. samena, somnia: O. H. Ger. samanón: Icel. samna.] v. ge-samnian. samnian