Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - sápe
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- sápe
- Add :-- Dó þǽron ealdre sápan cucler fulne, Lch. ii. 76, 12. Gewyrce tó flynan swá mon sápan wyrcð, 98, 6. Borige on þám beáme stór and finol and gehálgode sápan and gehálgod sealt, i. 402, 1. Ðonne þú sápan abban wille, þonne gníd þú þíne handa tógædere, Tech. ii. 126, 25. Mængc wiþ þá sápan and wiþ þæs æpples gor, Lch. iii. 36, 31. sape