
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - sár-líc

According to the Old English Dictionary:

adj. I. giving occasion for sorrow, sad, mournful, lamentable, grievous:--Wá lá wá! ðæt is sárlíc ðæt swá leóhtes andwlitan men sceolan ágan þýstra ealdor heu, proh dolor! quod tam lucidi vultus homines, tenebrarum auctor possidet, Bd. 2, 1; S. 501, 15. Sárlíc tó cweðene dolendum dictu, Hpt. Gl. 447, 25. Nó his lífgedál sárlíc þúhte secga ǽnigum to no man did his death seem occasion for sorrow, Beo. Th. 1688; B. 842. Sárlíc symbel (the eating of the forbidden fruit), Exon. Th. 226, 15; Ph. 406. Sárlíc síþfæt (the journey to hell), 446, 20; Dóm. 25. Se sárlíca cwide: 'Terra es et in terram ibis' that sad sentence, 'Dust thou art and to dust thou shalt return,' Blickl. Homl. 123, 7. Mid sárlícre sceame confusione, Ps. Th. 88, 38. I a. causing pain, grievous:--Éþung biþ sárlíc the breathing is painful, Lchdm. ii. 258, 17. Wé witon unrím ðara monna ðe ða écan gesǽlþa sóhtan nallas þurh ðæt án ðæt hí wilnodon ðæs líchomlícan deáþes ac eác manegra sárlícra wíta hié gewilnodon multos scimus beatitudinis fructum non morte solum, verum etiam doloribus suppliciisque quaesisse, Bt. 11, 2; Fox 36, 4. II. expressing sorrow or grief, sad, mournful:--Sárlic sang trenos, Wrt. Voc. i. 28, 18. Sárlíc blis cantilena, ii. 128, 13. Hé sit mid sárlícum andwlitan, nát ic hwæt hé besorgaþ, Ap. Th. 15, 10. Hé cwæð mid sárlícre stemne, Swt. A. S. Rdr. 101, 205. Sárlíc leóþ tragoediam, Wrt. Voc. ii. 82, 37. Hwílum gyd áwræc sárlíc, Beo. Th. 4224; B. 2109. [Næs heo næuere swa sarlic, ꝥ wes Wenhauer þa quene, sarȝest wimmone, Laym. 28457. O. H. Ger. sér-líh grievous.] sar-lic