
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - sáwan

According to the Old English Dictionary:

Add: , sǽwan. I a. add :-- Ðú rípes ꝥte ðú ne sǽwe, Lk. R. 19, 22. Hé seów hwǽte on beswuncenum lande, Hml. Th. ii. 144, 9. I c. absolute :-- Ic hrippo ðér ne seáwu ic meto ubi non semino, Mt. L. 35, 26. Sé ðe sáwes l seáwa (seów, R.) qui seminavit, 13, 39. 'Sé ðe him ealneg wind ondrǽt, hé sǽwð tó seldon'. . . hé cwǽdon ðæt sé sceolde lytel sáwan, sé ðe him ðone wind ondréde, Past. 285, 17-24. II. add :-- Hé sǽwð ðone sticel ðæs andan, Past. 279, 9. Ðá ðe wróhte sáwað, 357, 14: 361, 6. Hú ne bið hé swelce hé sǽwe (sáwe, ) good and him weaxe of ðǽm ǽlc yfel? peccatorum seges quasi ex virtute seminatur, 341, 7. Ðæt yfel hí ne dyrren sǽwan on óðrum monnum, 427, 18. Wæs heora lár sáwen and strogden betuh feówer sceátum middangeardes, Bl. H. 133, 33. v. un-sáwen. sawan

Related words: l.
