
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - sceád

According to the Old English Dictionary:

scád, es;

n. Shed (in water-shed), a division, distinction, reason, reckoning :-- Ðú scealt gyldan scád wordum thou shalt give an account (of thine actions) in words, Dóm. L. 73. [Haueð wit and schad bituhhe god and uuel, O. E. Homl. i. 255, 30. Snæd and skill, Orm. 5534. Niss bitwenen ȝutmc UNCERTAIN and hemm nan snæd i manness kinde, 6229, Schead ba of god and of uvel, Kath. 240. O. L. Ger. scéth discrimen: O. H. Ger. sceit discissio.]

Related words: ge-, tó-, unge-sceád. scead
