Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - sceafoþa
According to the Old English Dictionary:
sceafþa, scæfþa, an;
- sceafoþa
- m. (or -e; f. ?) A shaving, chip, what is shaved, scraped, or rubbed of :-- Ðá gehálgode ic wæter and scæfþan dyde on ðæs foresprecenan treówes tunc benedixi aquam, et astulam roboris praefati inmittens, Bd. 2, 13; S. 539, 5. Ða scæfþan ðe ðǽron genumene wǽron lǽcedóm bǽron astulae de illo abscissae solent adferre medelam, 4, 6; S. 574, 9. Man scóf ðara bóca leáf and ða sceafþan (ipsam rasuram) dyde on wæter, 1, 1; S. 474, 38. Monige spónas and sceafþan (astulas) nimaþ, 3, 2; S. 524, 31: 3, 17; S. 544, 44, col. 2. Genim heorotes sceafoþan of ðam horne, Lchdm. ii. 72, 13. Genim heorotes sceafoþan of felle áscafen mid pumice, 100, 14. sceafoþa