Sceaft-rihte, -riht

Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - sceaft-rihte, -riht

According to the Old English Dictionary:

sceaft-rihte, -riht
ad :-- Of þám paðe sceaftrihte on alr, C. D. B. iii. 667, 14. West sceftrihte ofer ðone mór, 336, 25. Sceaftryht on cuddancnoll. . . sceaftryht oð lillesforda . . . sceaftryht oþ wideres leáge . . . sceaftryht oþ hlósleáge . . . sceaftryht oþ efes . . . sceaftryht oþ hróces ford, 682, 10-23. sceaft-rihte

Related words: As straight as a dart, in a straight line
