
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - sceand

According to the Old English Dictionary:

f. I. add :-- Ne wuldra þú on teónan fæder þínes, nys þé wulðor ac sceand (confusio), Scint. 174, 8. II. add :-- Hit is micel sceand (scand, ) nimis turpe est, Past. 233, 11. III. an infamous person (v. sceand; m.) :-- Eugenia cwæð tó ðære sceande (cf. seó myltestre, 169) ꝥ heó wǽre gálnysse ontendnyss, Hml. S. 2, 172. Beseah Hieu tó þǽre sceande (Jezabel) úp . . . 'Gáð tó þǽre hætse (vel sceande) þe ic hét niþer ásceófan,' 18, 344-350. sceand

Related words: l.
