
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - sceard

According to the Old English Dictionary:

es ;

n. A gap, notch :-- of ðam feórþan deále eall ðæt seó sǽ his ofseten hæfþ and eall ða sceard ðe heó him on genumen hæfþ subtract from this fourth part (of the earth) all of it that the sea has covered, and all the gaps (bays and creeks) it has taken ; huic quartae, si quantum maria premunt subtraxeris, Bt. 18, 1 ; Fox 62, 13. [Shard a gap remains long in some dialects, O. Frs. skerd a notch, cut, gash : M. H. Ger. Ger. scharte : Icel. skarð a notch, chink, gap.] v. díc-, hær-sceard, and next word. sceard

Related words: E. D. S. Pub. Gloss. B. 15, 19 (Wiltshire).
