
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - sceáwung

According to the Old English Dictionary:

I. add :-- Ne cúþe hé þá deógolnysse þǽre godcundan sceáwunge, Gr. D. 136, 12. On þysre sceáwunge (in hac speculatione) wundorlic þing æfterfyligde, 171, 7. Þurh þá gástlican sceáwunge, 154, 3. Ðá eágan mé gebróhton on þám angytte; ac siðþan ic hyt ongyten hæfde, þá forlǽt ic þá sceáwunga mid þám eágum, Solil. H. 21, 17. II. add :-- Bysceopas mid folcum bútan ǽnigre áre sceáwunge ætgædere fornumene wǽron praesules cum populis sine ullo respectu honoris absumebantur, Bd. 1, 15; Sch. 43, 18. IV. add :-- Se cyningc gesæt in ðǽre sceáwunge (spectaculo), tó ðon ꝥ hé wolde geseón þæs bisceopes deáð, Gr. D. 194, 21. Ꝥ folc cóm tó sceáwunge þæs biscopes deáðes populus ad spectaculum mortis venerat, 195, 8. Scǽwugcge spectaculo (theatrali), An. Ox. 11, 11.

Related words: dúst-, ge-, in-, weorold-, wlite-, ymb-sceáwung. sceawung
