Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - scír-mann
According to the Old English Dictionary:
(scíre-, scíres-), es;
- scír-mann
- m. I. an official, officer, ruler, one who discharges the duties of a scír (I) :-- Scírman procurator, Wrt. Voc. i. 57, 37. Wæs scíremonn (Pontius Pilatus) procurante Pontio Pilato, Lk. Skt. Lind. 3, 1. Scíremon (sgiiremonn, Lind. ) dispensator, Lk. Skt. Rush. 12, 42. Swá sceal gód scýrman (a reeve or bailiff) his hláfordes healdan, dó ymbe his ágen swá swá hé wylle, Anglia ix. 260, 16. Ne ofermódgiaþ ða scírmenn ná for ðý nequaquam praepositi ex hoc superbiunt. Past. 17, 2; Swt. 109, 18. Hwæt elles meahte beón getácnod þurh Eze-chiel búton ða scírmenn per Ezechielem praepositorum persona signatur, 21, 3 ; Swt. 153, 24. II. an inhabitant of a district (v. scir, II) :-- Gregorius befrán, hú þære scíre nama wǽre, ðe ða cnapan of álǽdde wǽron. Him man sǽde, ðæt ða scírmen wǽron Dere gehátene. Homl. Th. ii. 120, 33. . III. as a technical English term = scír-geréfa. v. Stubbs' Const. Hist. i. 113, Kemble's Saxons in England, ii. 158 :-- Æðelwine scírman (in the next charter he is called scíregeréfa, iv. 10, 27), Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iv. 9, 29. Ufegeat scíreman, 304, 17. Ðá com ðider se scýresman Leófríc, 266, 24: 267, 11. Gif hwá him ryhtes bidde beforan hwelcum scírmen oððe óðrum déman, L. In. 8; Th. i. 106, 21. v. scírig-mann. scir-mann