Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - scortlíce
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- scortlíce
- adv. I. of time, shortly, before long, soon :--Nú gyt scortlíce l lytel fæc and ne byþ se synfulla adhuc pusillum et non erit peccator, Ps. Lamb. 36, 10. Scortlícor maturius, citius, velocius. Hpt. Gl. 527, 14. II. of speech, narrative, etc., shortly, briefly, compendiously :--Scortlíce strictim, breviter, 492, 27. Scortlíce (breviter) ic hæbbe nú gesǽd yrabe ða brié dǽlas, Ors. l, l ; Swt. 10, 3 : l, 14 ; Swt. 58, 7 : Ælfc. Gr. 10 ; Zup. 76, 3. Nú wylle wé sum þing scortlíce eów be him gereccan, Homl. Th. ii. 118, 3. Sceortlíce summatim, breviter, vel commatice, Wrt. Voc. i. 55, 15 : strictim, ii. 82, 74. Nú is óðer cwyde be gódum mannum sceortlíce gecweden, Homl. Th. i. 484, 20. Wé willaþ furðor swíðor sprecan, and wé secgaþ nú sceortlíce, Lchdm. iii. 240, 2. scortlice