Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - scyfel
According to the Old English Dictionary:
e: scyfele, an;
- scyfel
- f. [Shovel in shovel-hat ?] A covering for a woman's head; mafors (mafors operimentum capitis maxime feminarum, Ducange):--Hacele capsula, cóp ependiten, scyfele mafors, nunne sanctimonialis, Wrt. Voc. i. 284, 67. Scyfla, scybla maforte (-ae), Txts. 77, 1267: Wrt. Voc ii. 55, 38. Scyfelum mafortibus, 55, 39: 87, 63. [Cf. (?) scuffle, a linen garment worn by children to keep their clothes clean, a pinafore, an apron (Sussex). Icel. skupla; f.; skypill; m. a woman's hood hiding or shading her face.] scyfel