Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - scyhtan
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- scyhtan
- p. te To instigate, prompt, urge:--Mé nædre beswác and mé neódlíce tó forsceape scyhte and tó scyldfrece, Cd. Th. 55, 22; Gen. 808. Óðer him ðás eorþan ealle sægde lǽne . . . Óðer hine scyhte ðæt hé sceaðena gemót nihtes sóhte, Exon. Th. 109, 30; Gú. 98. [We schuchteð hine ueor awei hwon we doð deadliche sunne, A. R. 312, 10, MS. C.]