
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - scyldig

According to the Old English Dictionary:

I a. add :-- Hé sorgode hú mycel se scyldiga þæs weorces forlure innan his sáwle pensabat culpae reus quantum perdebat intus, Gr. D. 291, 11. IV. add :-- Beó hé útlah wið God . . . and wið þone cyning scyldig ealles þæs þe hé áge (cf. Wlfst. 271, 26), Cht. E. 231, 16. V 2. add :-- Sió hé healsfange scyldig, Ll. Th. i. 40, 2, 5. V 3. with prep. liable to (tó) :-- Scyldig hé wæs tó hellicere súsle for his mándǽdum, ac hé geandette his synna Drihtne sylfum on ðǽre ródehengene, Hml. Th. ii. 78, 20. Hí ealle andwyrdon þæt hé scyldig wǽre tó deáðe, 248, 23.

Related words: deáþ-, efen-, healf-, syn-, wamb-scyldig. scyldig
