
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - seax-

According to the Old English Dictionary:

in proper names:--Sigeferþ Seaxing, Seaxa Sledding (in a list of East Saxon kings), Txts. 179, 23. Cf. Icel. Járn-Saxa = iron-chopper, the name of an ogress in the Edda. Ðá féng tó Eást-Seaxna ríce Swíþhelm Seaxbaldes suna, Bd. 3, 22; S. 553, 42. Ðæs cyninges (Anna of East Anglia) dohter Sexburh, 3, 8; S. 531, 24: Chr. 639; Erl. 27, 6. Hér forþférde Cénwalh (of Wessex), and Seaxburg án geár rícsode his cuén æfter him, 672; Erl. 34, 34. Gesecg Seaxnéting (East Saxon), Txts. 179, 16. Cf. Saxnót in the formula of renunciation. East Saxon), 179, 19. Seaxulf biscop (of Lichfield), Bd. 4, 6; S. 573, 40. Saxulf (Sæx-), Chr. 656; Erl. 30, 2, 10. seax-,seax

Related words: Grmm. D. M. 184. Seaxréd (
