Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - séðung
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- séðung
- f. Attestation, affirmation, proof:-- Séðunge adstipulatione, adsertione, adfirmatione, Hpt. Gl. 444, 41. Hwæne mǽrsiaþ ðás wundra mid heora séðunge, Homl. Th. ii. 34, 5. Hé ðæs árleásan eáre gehǽlde tó séðunge soðre godcundnysse (in proof of true divinity), 248, 2. Hé heora goda geendunge mid swutelum séðungum gewissode, i. 558, 16. Séðingum assertionibus, Hpt. Gl. 525, 35. Séðincgum, 409, 53.