
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - setlung

According to the Old English Dictionary:

I. add: I a. a session, an assembly of persons sitting :-- Ætforan þǽre engelican þæs heofenlican pleghúses setlunge ante angelicum celestis theatri consessum, An. Ox. 1753. II. add :-- Seó sunne setlunge geneálǽhð on þæs dæges geendunge, Hml. Th. ii. 76, 23: 302, 2. Ne lǽt ðú ðæt yrre licgean on ðínre heortan ofer sunnan setlunge (cf. sol non occidat super iracundiam vestram, Eph. 4, 26), Hex. 46, 14. setlung