
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - sige

According to the Old English Dictionary:

victory. I. add :-- Hié wǽron him ondrǽdende ꝥ Læcedemonie ofer hié rícsian mehten for þǽm lytlan sige þe hié þá ofer hié hæfdon, Ors. 3, 1; S. 98, 18. Hié longe ymb þæt fuhton on hweorfendum sigum bellum ancipiti statu gestum, 3, 5; S. 106, 3. II. add :-- Oft ðone geðyldegestan scamað ðæs siges ðe hé ofer ðone dióful hæfde mid his geðylde, Past. 227, 20. Sigeas trophea, An. Ox. 37, 9.

Related words: ge-sig. sige
