
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - sin-gal

According to the Old English Dictionary:

adj. I. referring to things of the next life, everlasting, perpetual :--Dreám ys singal canor est jugis, Hymn. Surt. 58, 4. On ðam heofenlícum éðele is singal leóht, Lchdm. iii. 240, 12 : Homl. Th. i. 238, 5 : Rood Kmbl. 280 ; Kr. 141. Ðǽr (in hell) is á singal sorh, Wulfst. 26, 8. II. referring to things of time, continual, constant, without intermission :--Swá singal gebiórscipe quasi juge convivium, Kent. Gl. 521. Hine gedreht singal slǽpleást. Homl. Th. i. 86, 16. Singal oferdrenc, ii. 592, 6. Ðis is singal sacu, Elen. Kmbl. 1808 ; El. 906. Singal gesíþ a constant companion, Exon. Th. 257, 4 ; Jul. 242. Se singala ege ne lǽt nǽnne mon gesǽligne beón continuus timor non sinit esse felicem, Bt. 11, 2 ; Fox 34, 28 : 12 ; Fox 36, 28. Mid ðæm sin-galum geþohte ab hac cogitatione continua, Past. 11, 7 ; Swt. 72, 6. Geleáfan singalum fides jugis, Hymn. Surt. 44, 39. Mid singalre éstful-nysse sedula devotione, 88, 15. Singalre assidua, Hpt. Gl. 407, 65. Men habbaþ singalne andan betwuh him, Bt. 39, 3 ; Fox 214, 33. Mid singalum bénum sedulis questibus, Hymn. Surt. 127, 14. Mid singalum gebedum orationibus adsiduis, Bd. 4, 28 ; S. 606, 29. IIa. of the regular succession of time, daily (cf. Goth. sinteins daily (bread)) :--Syle ús hláf úserne ðone singalan, Exon. Th. 469, 4 ; Hy. 5, 8. Singal tído diurna tempora, Rtl. 164, 36. IIb. of an unbroken series, in succession, continuous :--Þurh syx singal geár per sex continuos annos, Bd. 4, 23 ; S. 595, 17 : 5, 9 ; S. 623, 27. III. of long continuance, lasting :--Wæs seó éhtnys[se] singalre (diuturnior) eallum ðám ǽrgedónum, 1, 6 ; S. 476, 24.

Related words: following words. sin-gal,singal
