Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - siwen-íge
According to the Old English Dictionary:
-ége ;
- siwen-íge
- adj. Blear-eyed :-- Se biþ siweníge (-igge, Cot. MSS. ) se ðe his andgit biþ tó ðon beorhte scínende ðæt hé mæge ongietan sóðfæstnesse, gif hit ðonne áþístriaþ ða flǽsclícan weorc. On ðæs siwen-ígean (-iggean, Cott. MSS. ) eágum beóþ ða æpplas hále . . . Se biþ eallinga siweníge (-igge, Cott. MSS. ) ðonne his mód and his andgit ðæt gecynd áscirpþ and hé hit ðonne self gescint mid his ungewunan lippus vero est, cujus quidem ingenium ad cognitionem veritatis emicat, sed tamen carnalia opera obscurant. In lippis quippe oculis papillae sanae sunt . . . Lippus itaque est, cujus sensum natura exacuit, sed conversations pravitas confundit, Past. 11. 4; Swt. 67, 24-69, 9. Siwenége lippos, Germ. 396, 284. siwen-ige