
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - six-hynde

According to the Old English Dictionary:

adj. Of a class whose wergild is six hundred shillings :-- Gif wealh hafaþ fíf hýda hé biþ sixhynde, L. In. 24; Th. i. 118. 10. Be syxhyndum men. Gif hit sié syxhynde mon, [gielde] ǽlc mon . lx. scil l. , L. Alf. pol. 30; Th. i. 80, 11. Gif hió sié syxhyndu, 18; Th. i. 72, 14. Syxhyndes monnes burhbryce . x

Related words: scil l., 40; Th. i. 88, 10. Gif syxhyndum ðissa hwæðer gelimpe, gebéte be ðæs syxhyndan bóte, 39; Th. I. 88, 2-5. Syxhyndum men . c. scil l. gebéte, 10; Th. i. 68, 10. ¶ applied to the wergild :-- Æt twýhyndum were mon sceal sellan tó monbóte .xxx. scil l. , æt syxhyndum . lxxx. scil l. , L. In. 70; Th. i. 146, 14. v. twelf-hynde, and see Stubbs' Const. Hist. i. 161, note 3. six-hynde
