
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - slecg

According to the Old English Dictionary:

e; f. A sledge-hammer, mallet; malleus :-- Slecg, hamur mallews. Wrt. Voc. ii. 57, 78. Slegc, i. 86, 16. Hwæt sylst ðú ús on smiþþan ðínre búton ísene fýrspearcan and swégincga beátendra slecgea (malleorum), Coll. Monast. Th. 31, 7. Wé hit uneáþe mid ísernum hamerum and slecgum gefyldon quam ferrets uix comminuimus malleis, Nar. 21, 5. [The gret slegges, Parten. 3000, Icel. sleggja a sledge-hammer: O. H. Ger. slaga malleus.] slecg