Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - sliht
According to the Old English Dictionary:
sleaht, sleht, slieht, sliét, slyht (s
- sliht
- see the cpds. ), es; m. I. a striking of coin. II. a stroke, flash of lightning, v. líget-sliht. III. slaughter, death by violence :-- Ðes sliht haec caedes, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 27; Zup. 53, 4. Æt eallum slyht[e?] and æt ealre ðære hergunge ðe ǽr ðam gedón wǽre, sér ðæt frið geset wǽre . . . nán man ðæt ne wræce ne bóte ne bidde, L. Eth. ii. 6; Th. i. 288, 1. Hú hé mid forhergiunge and mid heora mǽga slihtum on his geweald geniédde, Ors. 2, 5 ; Swt. 82, 17 : 5, 11; Swt. 238, 5. III a. the deadly stroke of disease :-- Ðis folc is mid swurde ðæs heofonlícan graman of-slegen, and gehwilce sind mid fǽrlícum slihte áwéste. Homl. Th. ii. 124. 10. IV. what is to be killed, animals for slaughter, v. sliht-swín (cf. Icel. slátr butcher's meat; slátra to slaughter cattle) :-- Gafolswáne gebyreþ ðæt hé sylle his slyht be ðam ðe on lande stent. On manegum landum stent ðæt hé sylle ǽlce geáre . xv. swýn tó sticunge, L. R. S. 6; Th. i. 436, 11 [Kath. slaht Laym. slaht, slæht, sclæht, slejht: R. Glouc. slajt. Cf. O. Sax. man-slahta; f. : O. Frs. slachte a blow, mortal blow; stamp, coining: O. H. Ger. slahta strages, occisio: Icel. sláttr ; m. mowing ; striking of an instrument. '] v. fiðer(-el ?)-, for-, hand-, hlóþ-, líget-, mǽg-, mann-, morþ-, morþor-, pening-, þeóf-, wæl-sliht; cf. slege. sliht