Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - slípan
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- slípan
- p. te To slip, put something on or off. Cf. slípe to take away the outside covering from anything, Halliwell's Dict.. Slype to strip off the skin or bark of anything, Jamieson's Dict. :-- Se hláford hefig gioc slépte on ða swyran sínra þegena, Me: 9, 55. Se cyning slýpte his beáh of the king slipped his ring off; tuiit rex annulum de manu sua, Anglia ix. 32, 158, [Goth. af-slaupjan thana fairnjan mannan to put off the old man: O. Sax. slópian to slip one's self from a bond: M. H. Ger. sloufen, ana-sloufen induere.] and cf. slífan. slipan