
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - slíþe

According to the Old English Dictionary:

adj. Dire, hard, cruel, hurtful, dangerous :-- Biþ ceóle wén slíþre sæcce the ship may expect dire strife, Exon. Th. 384, 17 ; Ra. 4, 29. On ða slíþan tíd (the crucifixion), Elen. Kmbl. 1710; El. 857. þurh slíbne níþ sáwle bescúfan in fýres fæþm. Beo. Th. 370; B. 184. Hé níþa gehwane genesen hæfde, slíþra geslyhta, 4787 ; B. 2398. [Goth. sleithis dangerous, perilous, fierce : O. Sax. slíði dangerous, destructive, cruel : cf. O. H. Ger. slídic, saevus, malus : Icel. slíðr fearful, dire ; sliðr-hugaðr atrocious; slíðr-liga savagely.]

Related words: slíþen. sliþe
