Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - smæccan
According to the Old English Dictionary:
smecgan; smæhte
- smæccan
- To taste :-- Ic smæcce (smæcge, MS. J. ) sapio, Ælfc. Gr. 28; Zup. 166, 6. [' Cum gustasset acetum noluit bibere; ' þet is, he smeihte þet bittre drunch & wiðdrouh him anon, A. R. 238, 21. Summe þinge ꝥ me haueð ismeiht oðer smelled, 92, 4. Al þet ich abbe mid muþ ismaht, O. E. Homl. i. 189, 5. Unlouely þei smaujte, Piers P. 5, 363. O. Frs. smekka: O. H. Ger. smecchen sapere.] and preceding word. smæccan