
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - smocian

According to the Old English Dictionary:

p. ode. I. intrans. To smoke, emit smoke:--Muntas smociaþ, Ps. Lamb. 103, 32. Smeócaþ l smociaþ fumigabunt, 143, 5. Swilce án ofen eall smociende, Gen. 15, 17. Smocigende, Homl. Th. ii. 202, 24. II. trans. To smoke:--Genim ðú ðás ylcan wyrte and smoca ðæt cild mid, Lchdm. i. 116, 9. Smeóce (smoca, MS. R.) mid hǽþe, 354, 23. [Þa iseȝen heo a fur smokien, Laym. 25734. Smekyn or smokyn fumo, fumigo, Prompt. Par

Related words: 460.] v. smeócan, smícan. smocian
