
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - sorh-leás

According to the Old English Dictionary:

adj. I. free from anxiety or care, secure:--Sorgleás secura, Rtl. 63, 10: 8, 23: 40, 15. Ic hit ðé geháte, ðæt ðú most sorhleás swefan, ðæt ðú ondrǽdan ne þearft aldorbealu eorlum, Beo. Th. 3348; B. 1672. Ne sculon wé nǽfre sorhleáse beón, ac symble úrne deáðes dæg beforan úres líchoman eágum settan, L. E. I. prm.; Th. ii. 396, 22. Wé gedóþ eów sorhleáse securos vos faciemus, Mt. Kmbl. 28, 14. Þeóf, ðe on þýstre færeþ, sorgleáse hæleð forféhþ, Exon. Th. 54, 24; Cri. 873. Cyning wæs þe sorgleásra (cf. módsorge wæg cyning, 122; El. 61), Elen. Kmbl. 193; El. 97. II. free from sorrow:--Wé sorgleáse mótan wunigan in wuldre, Exon. Th. 22, 3; Cri. 346.[Icel. sorg-lauss.] sorh-leas