Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - sóþ-líc
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- sóþ-líc
- adj. I. true, genuine, unfeigned:--Nǽnig óðerne freóþ in fyrhðe, ðæt hé sóðlíce (or ad) sybbe healde, gástlíce lufe, Fragm. Kmbl. 72; Leás. 38. II. true, right:--Ne þincþ mé nǽfre nán-wuht swá sóþlíc swá mé þincþ ðín spell ðǽm tímum ðe ic ða gehiére cum tuas rationes considero, nihil dici verius puto, Bt. 38, 5; Fox 204, 22. [O. Sax. sóð-lík: Icel. sann-ligr probable; just; fit.] v. next word. soþ-lic