
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - sóþlíce

According to the Old English Dictionary:

I. as adSóðlíce ðú eart Godes sunu vere filius Dei es, Mt. Kmbl. 14, 33: 27, 54. Sóðlíce ic secge eów amen dico vobis, 6, 16 (and often). Ðám ðe sóðlíce sécaþ Dryhten, Ps. Th. 104, 3. Ðis wæs sóðlíce eádig wer vere beatus vir, Blickl. Homl. 223, 31. Ðú bist sóþlíce ǽr þrím dagum genumen of ðínum líchoman certainly before three days thou wilt be taken from the body, 137, 25. Is sóðlíce se cwide gefylled, 139, 27. Swýþe sóþlíce (with great truth) wé mágon geþencan, ðæt hit biþ deáþes ylding swíðor ðonne lífes, 59, 31. Ic sóðlíce meahte ongitan, Exon. Th. 313, 24; Mód. 5. Se ðe ðé ðyslíce gife and swá mycle sóþlíce (-re, MS.) ðé tó-wearde forecwyþ is qui tanta taliaque dona veraciter adventura praedixerit, Bd. 2, 12; S. 514, 13: Exon. Th. 9, 19; Cri. 137. Weras ða ðe eówre ǽ on ferhðsefan fyrmest hæbben, ða mé sóðlíce secgan cunnon, Elen. Kmbl. 633; El. 317: Beo. Th. 284; B. 141. Hí ðý sóðlícor ongeáton ðæt hit wæs sóðlíce his ágen líchoma, Shrn. 68, 33. Ic sóðlícost wéne, 164, 28. II. as conj. Now, then, for; representing Latin autem, ecce, enim, ergo, nam, vero:--Sóðlíce losep hyre wer Joseph autem vir ejus, Mt. Kmbl. 1, 19 (and often). Sóðlíce seó fǽmne hæfþ on in-noðe ecce virgo in utero habebit, 1, 23: 2, 9: 3, 17. Sóðlíce wé gesáwon hys steorran, vidimus enim stellam ejus, 2, 2: 3, 1: 4, 18 (and often). Gehýre gé sóðlíce ðæs sáwendan bigspell vos ergo audite parabolam seminantis, 13, 18. Sóðlíce ic eom man under anwealde gesett nam et ego homo sum sub potestate, 8, 9. Sóðlíce ðæt ðe ásáwen wæs on ðæt góde land qui vero in terra bona seminatus est, 13, 23, 29. [O. Sax. sóðlíko: Icel. sannliga.] soþlice

Related words: Truly, really, certainly, verily:--
