Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - spellung
According to the Old English Dictionary:
, e;
- spellung
- f. I. talking, conversation, discourse, narration :-- Ðý læs on mé mǽge ídel spellung oþþe scondlíc leásung beón gestǽled ne aut fabulae aut turpi mendacio dignus efficiar, Nar. 2, 20. Forbúgaþ ídele spellunge and dyslíce blissa avoid idle conversation and foolish pleasures, Homl. Th. i. 180, 13: 148, 2: ii. 336, 19: Cd. Th. 304, 31; Sat. 638. Spellung fabulositas, Wrt. Voc. i. 55, 23. II. a tale, conversation, discourse, narrative :-- Fabulae, ðæt synd ídele spellunga, Ælfc. Gr. 50, 29; Zup. 296, 5. Spellenga sermonum, Hpt. Gl. 505, 77. Spellunga UNCERTAIN saga fabulas, 410, 54. Ídele spellunga otiosas fabulas, Confess. Peccat. Hí cýð[d]on mé spellunga narraverunt mihi fabulationes, Ps. Spl. 118, 85. [Spellunge and smecchunge (talking and tasting) beoð ine muðe boðe . . . we schulen speken nu of spellunge, and ter efter of herrunge, A. R. 64, 11. O. L. Ger. spellunga tragoediae.]