
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - spor

According to the Old English Dictionary:

, es;

n. I. a trace, track, spoor :-- Ne biþ ðǽr éþe ðín spor on tó findanne vestigia tua non cognoscentur, Ps. Th. 76, 16. Stande ðæt spor for ðone foreáð, L. Ath. iquid esse dementius potest, quam vestigia in pulvere impressa diligere, sed ipsum, a quo impressa sunt, non amare? Past. 46, 5; Swt. 351, 1-2. Gif man spor gespirige of scýre on óðre, fón ða menn tó ðe ðǽr nýcst syndon, and drífan ðæt spor óð hit man ðam geréfan gecýðe; fó hé syþþan tó and ádrífe ðæt spor út of his scíre, L. Ath. v. 8, 4; Th. i. 236, 20-23. Hé ús spor tǽce, v. 8, 7; Th. i. 238, 3. Gif ðú gesyxt wulfes spor, Lchdm. i. 360, 19. II. a trace, vestige, mark left by anything (of the marks made by weapons; cf. Icel. sverða, eggja spor, dólg-spor a wound) :-- Lǽtaþ hý láþra leána hleótan þurh wǽpnes spor (by a wound), Exon. Th. 280, 2; Jul. 623: Andr. Kmbl. 2362; An. 1182. Bealubenne, lícwunde spor, Cd. Th. 193, 1; Exod. 239. III. tracing, tracking :-- Ðú teohhast ðæt ðú spyrige æfter mé, and swíþor swincst on ðam spore ðonne hí dón, Bt. 38, 5; Fox 206, 14. Ðæt ǽlc man wǽre óðrum gelástfull ge æt spore ge æt midráde, L. Ath. v. 4; Th. i. 232, 11. Befæste mon ðæt spor landes mannum, L. O. D. 1; Th. i. 352, 5. [O. H. Ger. spor vestigium, indago; Icel. spor.] v. fót-, hóh-spor. spor

Related words: 2; Th. i. 222, 16. Wé noldon tó ðæm spore onlútan. Past. pref.; Swt. 5, 18 : Exon. Th. 497, 8 ; Rä. 85, 26. Hwæt mæg bión dyslícre ðonne hwá lufige hwelcre wuhte spor on ðæm duste and ne lufige ðæt ðætte ðæt spor worhte
