
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - sprengan

According to the Old English Dictionary:

II a. add :-- Se abbud bletsige þá candela and sprenge (conspergat) mid wætere gebletsedum, Angl. xiii. 403, 547. II b. add :-- 'Gang hrædlíce and spreng (stregd, ) þis wæter ofer þæs licgendan líchaman'. . . Se diácon ꝥ gebletsode waster sprengde (stregde, v. l.) ofer his lima 'vade citius, et aquam super jacentis corpus projice' . . . Diaconus aquam benedictam super membra illius aspersit, Gr. D. 82, 18-22. [v. N. E. D. sprenge.] sprengan

Related words: l.
