
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - springan

According to the Old English Dictionary:

p. sprang, pl. sprungon; pp. sprungen To spring. I. to leap, bound:--Ðæt cild on sprang the babe leaped in her womb (Lk. 1, 41), Blickl. Homl. 165, 29. Hrá wíde sprong, syþðan hé drepe þrowade, Beo. Th. 3181; B. 1588. II. to burst forth, of a fluid to spirt, of sparks, etc., to fly:--Ðæt spere sprang ongeán the spear-head sprang out again (under the pressure of the shield), Byrht. Th. 135, 53; By. 137. Leád wíde sprong the drops of boiling lead flew far, Exon. Th. 277, 24; Jul. 585. Swát ǽdrum sprong the blood spirted from the veins, Beo. Th. 5925; B. 2966. Wíde sprungon hildeleóman, 5158; B. 2582. Sprungon spearcan of ðam múðe, Shrn. 120, 26. III. to grow as a plant:--Swá swá of ánum treówe springaþ manega bogas, swá gáþ of ánre lufe manega óðre mihta, Homl. Th. ii. 314, 22. Hig hrædlíce up sprungon, for ðam ðe hig næfdon ðære eorðan dýpan, Mt. Kmbl. 13, 5. IV. to rise as the sun, cf. spring, II:--Up sprungenre sunnan sole orto, Mt. Kmbl. 13, 6. V. to move as a spring moves:--Þeáh ðú teó hweicne boh ofdúne tó ðære eorþan, swá ðú hine álǽtst, swá sprincþ hé up. Bt. 25; Fox 88, 24. VI. to spread, be diffused:--Ða wíde springaþ crebrescunt, Hpt. Gl. 517, 4. Wíde springaþ, wídmérsiaþ, 471, 16. Ðes hlísa sprang (spranc, Lind.)ofer eall ðæt land exiit fama haec in universam terram illam, Mt. Kmbl. 9, 26. Sprang l foerde processit, Mk. Skt. Rush. 1, 28: Beo. Th. 36; B. 18: Apstls. Kmbl. 12; Ap. 6. Ða sprang ðæt word the report spread, Homl. Th. i. 384, 8: Ap. Th. 25, 13. Wíde springende crebrescens, Hpt. Gl. 519, 37: 513, 21. [O. Sax. springan to spring as blood from a wound: O. Frs. springa: O. H. Ger. springan to spring as water: Icel. springa to burst, crack.]

Related words: á-, æt-, ge-, geond-, on-, tó-springan. springan
