Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - spǽtan
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- spǽtan
- p. te. I. to spit (a) intrans.:--Ic hrǽce oððe spǽte screo, Ælfc. Gr. 26, 6; Zup. 158, 6. Ic spǽte spuo, 28, 3; Zup. 167, 10. Hé spǽtte on his eágan expuens in oculos ejus, Mk. Skt. 8, 23: Jn. Skt. 9, 6. Hí spǽtton on hine, Mt. Kmbl. 17, 30: 26, 67. Hig spǽtton him on conspuebant eum, Mk. Skt. 15, 19. Spǽte ðæt wíf on his nebb, Deut. 25, 9. Suelce hié him on ðæt nebb spǽten, Past. 5; Swt. 45, 4. Sume águnnon him on spǽtan (conspuere eum), Mk. Skt. 14, 65. Hé spǽtende (expuens) his tungan onhrán, 7, 33. Spátende expuentes, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 27, 30. Hé byþ on spǽt conspuetur, Lk. Skt. 18, 32. (b) trans.:--Ic spǽte áttor, Exon. Th. 405, 26; Rä. 24, 8: 398, 27; Rä. 18, 4. II. to syringe, squirt[:--Gespǽt ða wunde, Lchdm. ii. 22, 22.