
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - stæþ

According to the Old English Dictionary:

Add: m. :-- Andlang díc útt on Terstán (cf. on Tærstán streám, iriparum marginibus, An. Ox. 4797. Staþa, 2, 387. Staðum ripis, 26, 41. [The Latin original of Lch. iii. 210, 16 is: Ripas ascendere laborem significat. Ripas descendere, bonum tempus significat.] v. brim-, eást-stæþ. stæþ

Related words: 105, 4) on ðone sýðeran steð; ðonne andlang steðes; ðæt beneoðan beámwær on ðone norðere steð, andlang staðes æft on Twyfyrde, C. D. v. 148, 19-22. Út þurh þone streám on þæs cynges stæð; and swá andlang streámes, iv. 105, 13. On stæþena ófrum
