
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - standan

According to the Old English Dictionary:

I 2. add :-- Ꝥ wæter wæs standende and beleác þá duru þǽre cyrican the water formed as it were a wall, and closed the entrance to the church, Gr. D. 220, 16. II. (2) add :-- Þara six hída þæ ꝥ mynstær on stent, C. D. iii. 274, 9. Ne standað ná ealle steorran on ðám steápan rodore, Hex. 12, 29. (4) of the matter contained in a book :-- Stynt on þǽre béc on þám forman ferse: 'Et Spiritus . . . , ' Ælfc. Gen. Thw. 3, 3. Áht þæs þe on úrum gewritum stent, Ll. Th. i. 236, 32. Swá hit on þǽre dómbéc stande, 158, 6. (5) of non-material things :-- His hlísa nú stynt swá hwǽr swá crístendóm bið, Ælfc. T. Grn. 12, 25. II a. add :-- Hit stent on þinum bréþer, gif þú hit gebicgan móst it rests with your brother whether you may buy it, Hml. S. 36, 178. Tó þám forewerdon ꝥ hé becweðe þone sceat þám þe him leófost beó þe on þám lande stent on the condition that he may bequeath the money that is on mortgage on the land as he pleases, Cht. Crw. 9, 121. Ðat land . . . ðǽron stent ðám bisceope eahta marca goldes, C. D. iIII. add :-- Gange hit intó Scã Marian stówæ æal swá hit stænt mid mæte and mid mannum, C. D. iii. 274, 2: 22: Cht. Crw. 23, 3. Seó sixte yld þissere worulde stynt fram Críste ástreht oð dómes dæg eallum mannum ungewiss, Ælfc. T. Grn. 19, 41. v. stille. IV. add :-- On hú fela gesceaftum stent þes middaneard? On feówrum quot elementis mundus constat? Quatuor, Angl. vii. 12, 102. Seó tíd stent on feówer pricon, viii. 309, 2. Dactilus stent on ánum langum tíman and twám sceortum, 314, 14: 335, 17. VI. add :-- Seó ealde ǽ þe þá stód næs swá stíð on þám þingum swá swá Crístes godspel is þe nú stent, Angl. vii. 46, 444. Ðá hwíle ðe fulwiht stondan móte, Txts. 175, 17. VIII. add: -- His fét ne mihton áhwár standan, ac hé feóll ádún tó deófle áwend, Ælf. T. Grn. 3, 1. Ðǽr wæs standende wæter ofer þám lande, swá hit þǽre eá flód ǽr gefleów, Ors. 1, 3; S. 32, 11. VIII a. to maintain one's position, not to yield to pressure :-- Fela samod tugon, ac heó næs ástyrod, ac stód swá swá munt, Hml. S. 9, 102: Shrn. 154, 28. v. in-, on-, ofer-, þurh-, wiþer-standan. standan

Related words: 288, 8.
