
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - stellan

According to the Old English Dictionary:

p. stealde, and stillan, styllan, stiellan; p. de To leap, rush :-- Ðus hér on grundum Godes éce bearn ofer heáh hleoþu hlýpum stylde; swá wé men sculon heortan gehygdum hlýpum styllan of mægne in mægen, Exon. Th. 46, 28-36; Cri. 744-748. Ðonne hí ðæt mægen ðære unmǽtan hǽto áræfnan ne mihton ðonne stealdon hí eft on middan ðæs unmǽtan cyles and mid ðý hí ðǽr nǽnige reste gemétan mihton stelldon (stældon, MS. T.) hí eft on middel ðæs unádwæscendlícan líges cum vim fervoris immensi tolerare non possent, prosiliebant in medium frigoris infesti; et cum neque ibi requiei invenire valerent, resiliebant rursus in medium flammarum inextinguibilium, Bd. 5, 12; S. 627, 40-628, 1. Seó ofermódnes stellan wile ofer eáðmódnesse superbia inruere vult super humilitatem, Gl. Prud. 32 a.

Related words: á-, ge-, ofer-stellan (-styllan); still. stellan
