Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - sticel
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- sticel
- m. That with which a prick may be given, (stickle in stickle-back; cf. stickly prickly, Halliwell's Dict.) a sting, goad:--Óðerne hé dráf mid sticele, óðrum hé wiðteáh mid brídle illum stimulo impellere nititur, hunc freno moderatur, Past. 40, 3; Swt. 293, 1. Hé sǽwþ ðone sticel ðæs andan seminantur stimuli, 38, 7; Swt. 279, 9. Þé mid stíðum ástyrest sticelum gǽlsan luxuriae stimulis te agitabis acutis, Dóm. L. 179. Ða gnættas mid swíþe lytelum sticelum hine deriaþ, Bt. 16, 2; Fox 52, 11. Sticelas ramnos, Blickl. Gl. [O. H. Ger. stihhil aculeus: Icel. stikill the pointed end of a horn.]