
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - stigel

According to the Old English Dictionary:

Add :-- Hí becómon tó ðǽre stigole þǽr se þeóf oferstáh (ad aditum furis) in ðone wyrttún . . . 'Ic þé bebeóde . . . ꝥ þú þá stigole (aditum) behealde,' Gr. D. 24, 6-12. Tó Dunnes stigele; of ðǽre stigele ad scansile . . . , ab inde, C. D. B. iii. 252, 2. Oþ henne stigele, 682, 23. ¶ in a compound :-- On stigel-ác, C. D. iii. 461, 6. stigel