
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - stilness

According to the Old English Dictionary:

I. add :-- Se tíma hyra reste and stillnysse hora quietis, Gr. D. 170, 12. II. add: abstention from speech: -- For þǽre stilnesse hefignysse neoþran stefne tó sprecenne wé geþáfedon pro taciturnitatis gravitate summissa voce loquendum permisimus, Angl. xiii. 433, 970. Fífwintre stilnysse stǽrleornera quinquennem taciturnitatem stoicorum, An. Ox. 4144. III. add :-- Stilnesse quiete, An. Ox. 290. Stilnessa otia, i. quietem, 1672. stilness