
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - strengþu

According to the Old English Dictionary:

I. add: (1) of physical power :-- Þǽh þe beón on stæencþum hundeahtatig gǽr si autem in potentatibus octoginta anni, Ps. L. 89, 10. (2) of military or political power :-- Swilce eác Scotland hé him underþǽdde for his micele strengþe, Chr. 1086; P. 220, 25. (3) in a moral or spiritual sense :-- Ꝥ wé magan ongytan hwilc his seó circlice strengþ (strencgeoð, ) sý ut quis sit ecclesiasticus vigor agnoscat, Gr. D. 35, 11. II 1. add :-- Hé wæs þǽr áseted, þǽr hit gesewen wæs ꝥ þæs líges mægn and strengð (strencgeo, v. l.) mǽst wæs in eo loco positus est, ubi tota vis flammae videbatur incumbere, Gr. D. 48, 5. (1 a) power to resist strain :-- For ðon þe se ráp gehrán þǽre racenteáge þæs Godes weres þe hé hæfde on him swá myccle strengðe (strenge, v. l.) tó ádreóganne þá byrde quia enim catenam viri Dei funis contigit, ipse quoque ad tolerandam aquam ferri in se fortitudinem traxit, Gr. D. 214, 28. v. heáh-strengþu. strengþu,strengðu

Related words: l.
