
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - strica

According to the Old English Dictionary:


m. I. a stroke of a pen, a tittle, a mark, line :-- Ánatrica odde ān stæf dære ealdan ǣ ne biþ forgǣged iota unum aut unus apex non praeteribit (Mt. 5, 18), Homl. Th. ii. 200, 1: Jud. 15. Strican l mærcunge characteres, Hpt. Gl. 473, 13. Stricena apicum, stricum characteribus, notis, 512, 23, 52. Stricum apicibus literarum, 501, 56. II. a streak, tract :-- Hit getīmaþ hwīltīdum donne se mōna beyrnþ on dæm ylcan strican de seó sunne yrnþ, dæt his trendel underscȳt dære sunnan tō dam swīde dæt heó eall āþeóstraþ, Lchdm. iii. 242, 19. [Longe, croked strykes, Chauc. Astrolabe. Strek or poynt betwyx ij clausys yn a boke liminiscus, Prompt. ParGoth. striks κεραiota-oxia;α : O. H. Ger. strich linea, nota, zona. Cf. Icel. stryk a stroke, dash.] strica

Related words: 479.
