
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - strūdan

According to the Old English Dictionary:

p. streád, pl. struden; pp. sfroden To spoil, ravage, plunder, pillage, defraud :-- Hwæt is dis manna de mīnne folgaþ wyrdeþ, ǣhta strūdeþ, Elen. Kmbl. 1807; El. 905. Ðonne wē ūs for nōwiht dōþ dæt wē earme menn reáfiaþ and strūdaþ in heora ǣhtum and heora gōdum cum infirmiores spoliare et eis fraudem facere pro nihilo ducimus, Bd. 3, 19 ; S. 548, 19. Fȳnd gold strudon. Cd. Th. 121, 7; Gen. 2006: Exon. Th. 436, 7; Rä. 54, 10. Hié tempel strudon, Cd. Th. 260, 18; Dan. 711. Hwā dæt hord strude, Beo. Th. 6244; B. 31. 26. Se done wong strude (MS. strade), 6139; B. 3073. Iudas hæfde onlīcnesse dara manna de willaþ Godes cyricean yfelian and strūdan, Blickl. Homl. 75, 24. Strūd-ende fȳr, Cd. Th. 154. 15 ; Gen. 2556. [Cf. O. H. Ger. strutit fraudat, zi-strudida destruxit.] and following words. strudan

Related words: be-, ge-strūdan; strȳdan,
