
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - suhter[i]ga

According to the Old English Dictionary:

suhtriga, suhtria, an;

m. A brother's son, a nephew; or, expressing the relation of those whose fathers were brothers, a cousin:--Suhterga fratuelis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 109, 16. Suchtyrga fratuelis i. filius fratris, 36, 4. Suctyrian fratres patrueles, sic dictus est ad patres eorum, si fratres inter se fuerunt, 39, 49. Ic (Abraham) eom fædera ðín sibgebyrdum, ðú (Lot) mín suhterga, Cd. Th. 114, 9; Gen. 1901. His (Abraham's) suhtriga Lot, 122, 20; Gen. 2029. His suhtrian wíf, 106, 23; Gen. 1775.

Related words: sweór. suhteriga
