
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - swegle

According to the Old English Dictionary:

ad (l) in a physical sense :-- Ðonne sió reáde ród ofer ealle swegle scíneþ on ðære sunnan gyld, Exon. Th. 68, 13; Crl. 1103. Scíneþ sunna swegle hát, sóna gecerreþ ísmere ǽnlíc on his ágen gecynd (cf. ðæt is for ðære sunna[n] scíman tó his ágnum gecynde weorþe, Bt. 39, 3; Fox 216, 1), Met. 28, 61. Sumor swegle hát, Exon. Th. 338, 13; Gn. Ex. 78. (2) metaphorical :-- Hý mótan his (Christ's) ætwiste brúcan, swegle gehyrste weorðian Waldend (cf. ðonne scínaþ ða rihtwísan swá swá sunne on hyra Fæder ríce, Mt. 13. 43). Exon. 24, 32; Cri. 393. swegle

Related words: Brightly, brilliantly, splendidly,
