
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - swengan

According to the Old English Dictionary:

p. de To cause to swing, to cause rapid movement, to swing, fling, dash, strike:--Ðá áhleóp án leó of ðæs eorðscræfes þýstrum and hió swengde on hine . . . Ðá eode uncer hláford sylf in ðæt scræf ða swengde sió lió sóna forð and forswealh hine then a lion ran out from the darkness of the cavern and dashed on to him . . . Then our lord himself went into the cave; then the lion dashed out at once and swallowed him up, Shrn. 43, 9-18. Swengende discutiens, Wrt. Voc. ii. 141, 43. [He smat hine sare . . . æft he him to (to him, 2nd MS.) sweinde . . . dunt he him ȝef þane þridde, Laym. 8183. His sweord he sweinde bi his side, 21138. Swengeð of þa hafden, 22839. He sweinde ham adun into helle grunde, A. R. 280, 13. Breid up þene rode stef and sweng him aȝean (strike at him), 290, 18. Þe drake rahte ut his tunge and swende hire in (swung her into his mouth) ant forswalh into his wide wombe, Marh. 10, 19. Swengyn or schakyn as menne done clothys excucio, Prompt. ParGoth. af-swaggwjan to cause to waver, to shake one's confidence, make desperate.] v. á-, fram-, tó-swengan; swingan. swengan

Related words: 482.
